Davy Rothbart, Stacy Dacheux, Will Ferrell, and Brad Warner

My Heart Is an Idiot is a forthcoming documentary about Davy Rothbart's search for true love.

I like projects like this. It's that search that drives things for me. I love the heartburn. Of course, it was Stacy who first clued me in on it. That is no surprise, considering her work is filled with searching - not so much for a significant other outside of herself - but the truth in her own skin and bones. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if looking at one of her paintings, suddenly crippled someone into an acceptance of something they were looking for all along.

If Stacy's paintings don't cripple you into happiness, then maybe Will Ferrell or Brad Warner will give you a belly full. Who knows? They might be just what the doctor ordered. Of course, a trip to Calcutta with a suitcase of pinatas and pipe cleaners may be the real chopped spinach. That's where I am now. I really like Calcutta. It's the best city I have been too yet. It is a lot better than Ann Arbor or Tegucigalpa. I think it's the food that does it. I got these worms that have become my friends. I only named one so far. I call him Mortimer. He looks like my third dog, Buddy. It's his eyes. They are deep and penetrating. Sometimes when I look inside them, I can see myself at 105. I am standing on a ship. A whistle is blowing. I've got Zuzu's petals in my pocket, and I'm finally going where I've always wanted. That makes me glad. Like I'm already there.

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