The Power Serve: Stage 3

I finished stage 3 of my power serve today. I was surprised at how quickly my muscle memory adapted. My tennis instructor must have felt the same way. 

"There you go! That's it!! That's an ace every time. I don't care who you are. You get that angle. You pop it in there. Boom! That's it! Okay! Let's hit a few more."

I hit a few more. My left leg was sliding through the court slightly. The pro stopped me, put two balls next to my anchoring foot, and then told me to step over them. Unbelievably, I automatically went right over the balls into the court. It was a great feeling. I knew then that I had mastered the serve. The rest would just be practicing this simple action. 

I think the pro noticed this too. We spent the rest of the practice chatting about how he could post training videos on youtube. My body seemed to want to offer him more to make the exchange equal; of course, I can't give that advice here, since it would be offering something he earned. 

Now I have to pack for my whirlwind tour of the United States. Tomorrow I will be in Ohio with Noah. On Friday, I will be in New York City visiting Thomas, Mark, and whoever else is there. On Monday, I will then be flying to Seattle to hang out with Darick and Moksha. And after a few days there, I will be visiting Aram in Los Angeles. What a crazy trip! 

These days my only worry is the money I have spent to make it possible. I have tried to stop thinking about that though. I could be dead tomorrow. I also figure I am investing into something. I just don't know what it is yet. Who knows? It could be a mutual fund in the future. It could even be everything I've ever wanted. Who knows what even means either? I am a complete mystery even to myself. The only thing that offers my mind a bit of resolution is my free association to Nirvana's Nevermind. I will talk more about that tomorrow.

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