Moving & Making & Movie: The Three M's of a New Life

I am putting the finishing touches on my suitcases before I can officially call them packed. As of today, I finally sent my paintings out to be framed by a local frame shop. The rest of the mess - a hodgepodge of tables, TVs, and wooden chairs - will be left with the landlord since friends who have wanted to claim them have yet to actually make a physical move to do so. That is why it might seem like I'm not moving at all. But aside from the disarray, I am slowly making my way to air and taking a few gulps after teaching six classes and doing production work for three films simultaneously.

What's that? Three films? Well, you heard right. I will only speak about one for the moment though. The Human War is based on Noah Cicero's novel about a young teen who reacts to the declaration of the Iraq War by questioning his friends and his relationships in Youngstown, Ohio. The script follows the novel closely, and aside from a few minor changes will reflect it nicely. We are set to shoot beginning in mid-March, while fundraising is set to begin later this week. 

I am excited to be making such wonderful material into a film. Who knows? When Thomas and I are done directing this, it just might be watchable. Keep an eye out for how you can help, audition, or help out on set. I'm all about the friends-helping-friends community atmosphere of a film, and it's something Thomas and I have talked over as a key component in our film company. 

"I like the mission statement you wrote," Thomas said. " 'To engender a culture that promotes growth, loyalty and innovation.' And that whole part about being 'supportive and encouraging environment to foster each other's talents in free and spirited collaboration.' That's good stuff."

"What about the name?"

"I like Sangha Films as a placeholder."

"Mmmm. You don't like Sarang Films? It means love in Korean."

"No, it sounds like a sarong."

"You're right. Well, at least we have a placeholder."

"Yeah, like the Beatles. You know they used peanut butter and jelly as a phrase in songs when they only had lyrics but no melody?"

"That's cool."


If anyone has ideas for a film company name, let them pour in. We're going to throw ideas up on the ceiling until something sticks. 

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