Steve Roggenbuck, Mira Gonzalez, and Other Boosts

Steve Roggenbuck has a simple message: to spread poetry and uplifting memes to the world. His reasoning comes from the fact that death is inevitable, so why not do exactly what you want and accomplish all your dreams. Now he is touring the United States and staying with friends while he does poetry readings and offers people uplifting "boosts." His motto is "Boost your lief!" I want Steve to keep boosting forever. Check him out and support his cause.

If you want to get boosted in person, GET TICKETS ONLINE and join us Friday, Dec. 7th for the world premiere of SHOPLIFTING FROM AMERICAN APPAREL and a triple dose of boosting that includes performances by Steve, Mira Gonzalez, The Shoplifting Family Van Trap Tap Dancing Trio, and a hella fine movie (popcorn not included).


steve roggenbuck said...

hehe boost :) thank u for this post pirooz :)

Pirooz M. Kalayeh said...

I'll boost you forever, steve.
